We have faced many challenges this year with having such huge teaching teams. Collaboration is designed for discussion and agreement and action but with a team of 15, just sharing an opinion or thought can eat up half of the meeting time.
So I reached to the two experts, asking for ideas and resources. Within a matter of hours, I heard back from Mike Mattos and Ken Williams. They provided me with immediate ideas, as others to contact. All I had to do was ask.
In education, or any field, for that matter, there is no reason why we should be providing a service that is not supported by the research. And we should know what that research is because we should be reading and searching ourselves.
If is has been ten years since your doctor attended a workshop or training, or read scholarly research related to his practice, you probably wouldn't receive the best care available. Why would we allow it from any other profession?
It is our responsibility to know how to increase the academic and socio-emotional growth of our students. And if we are struggling to find the answers, the experts are available to ask directly. Powerful learning happens with students ask questions. Powerful learning happens with teachers do as well.
Parents: please ask your teachers what books or blogs they're reading to inform and guide their instruction, what professional development they've recently attended and how it impacted their classroom, or who's reading instruction philosophy they agree with more, Allington or Shanahan.
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