Friday, September 11, 2015

The power of an apology

On Wednesday, we had a very upset, very loud parent in the office after school. He yelled at the office staff, told his child to start walking home because he had more to say, and when I went out there and we moved the conversation outside, he was loud and very animated with me. Luckily (insert sarcasm font) our school is located on the busiest street in town (small town) so many were privy to the conversation. He felt we had told them things would be done one way and we thought we had told him something else. After several minutes, we did shake hands and he walked off, but still very upset. 

I followed up with the teacher, phone calls were made, the mix-up in communication was snuffed out and all was back as it should be. 

But that's not the reason for my post. 

This parent came up to me after school the next day, as we were wrapping up parent pick-up. He said, "Mr. Darling, I owe you an apology. I was way out of line yesterday and I had no right to act as childishly as I did. I have already gone in the building and apologized to the office staff and I needed to come out here and make it right with you."

This still isn't the reason for my post. 

He continued, "I know my son was watching how I acted yesterday. I needed him to see me apologize for my actions and make things right. I need him to know it's not okay to act that way."

BAM. That is the reason. The student. 

This student has had some struggles over the last two years. He is making huge strides and has dramatically improved his behavior. I was genuinely shocked at how dad reacted in the office and with me as it seemed out of the norm for him. I can imagine it was very hard for him to eat crow like he did. But corrective actions like that will change the course of his son's future. For the better

Ah, that was nice. I needed a warm-fuzzy.

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