Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Things NOT TO SAY when interviewing for a teaching position....

I really enjoy hiring teachers. I've been very fortunate to have rich, deep candidate pools for most of my positions. However, sometimes the person we see when screening their paperwork isn't the same person who shows up for an interview. I'm amazed at how some dress, how some sit in the chair, or how their nerves get the best of them sometimes.

Here are some actual responses I've received during an interview over the past few years:

  • This really isn't the grade I want to teach, but it's better than nothing.
  • I remember you (pointing to another teacher on the interview team.) We interviewed for a similar position last year. Why did you get the job over me?
  • I wanted to get into teaching because my last job was too stressful.
  • Is the salary negotiable?
  • I really didn't come prepared to answer most of these questions.
  • When asked if he had any questions for us after the interview questions were finisned, he said, "No, but I have a comment. I was accused of spanking a 1st grader last year but it didn't happen. I appreciate you taking the time to interview me today. Thank you." He then packed up and left.

Can you add to this list?

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