As teachers and administrators, we strive to make all of our decision-making around one fundamental question: What is best for the student? Often times this means choosing student achievement and their social/emotional support over our own adult comfort.
This article is about a teacher who was becoming a teaching-coach at a high school. Her principal asked her to spend two days looking through the eyes of a student, following the student, taking the same tests and doing the same work. Her experience was very eye-opening for her.
Of course, this was from a high school perspective but it reminds us that we need to do our very best to make the experience of EVERY STUDENT as intentional, as purposeful, and as gratifying as possible.
I had read this article before & it really helped me appreciate my kids coming home from SIS because they spend a lot of time sitting there. I am grateful that their teachers don't overload them with homework. Thanks for sharing this with your teachers. A good read at least twice a year. So we don't forget. :-)